Monday, July 8, 2019


This anxiety makes me want to run out of my body. To a place where there are no attachments, no responsibilities, nothing to tie you down. I want to be free. Nobody tells you that when you get married you give up your independence. You cease to be an individual free to do as you please with your life. You and I becomes We and it screws up everything. Love in itself is complicated enough. Why make it harder with marriage? Why put all your expectations in one basket and hand it over to a single person? Why can’t it be a companionship than marriage? Why are we so hell bent on giving a name to every relationship? Husband. Wife. Girlfriend. Boyfriend. How about life partner? That doesn’t cut it? Tags are so important to us. So much so that we get too busy putting up the image of the tag in front of society rather than actually nurture the relationship. Hollow tags we wear as trophies. How much more shallow can we get?    

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