Monday, August 19, 2024



The heart is beyond the logic and reasoning of the mind. It has its own weird logic of flowing a certain way. When your rational mind tells you that the feelings that you’re feeling won’t take you to a joyful place, you understand it. But you feel the feelings anyway. Because feelings just flow. They’re already on a path of a steep slope. They keep flowing and you keep dreaming. Not getting anywhere useful in the process. So how do you resolve such a conundrum?


My heart has always been a child. It wants what it wants. It desires things/people not based on logic. It feels freely and loves freely. And love has never been a problem for me. I have loved abundantly even when it was unrequited. Both the joy and the pain of it inspired me, to feel alive, to write. It enriched my experience of life like never before. I absolutely cherish the intensity of emotions I feel when in love. It’s this intensity that makes life beautiful for me. It is the most valuable gift when someone can evoke deep feelings in my heart. Feelings of affection, care, gratitude, and longing. Suddenly I become conscious of every breath that I take.


But what if your emotions overpower you and drag you to a place of helplessness? What if they make you feel powerless and weak? I think when something like that happens, it helps to remind yourself that this too shall pass. That emotions, like everything else, change. They flow and live out their existence. Although, some emotions that are intense enough leave a permanent imprint on your very fabric. Their ink is indelible. You are forever changed by them. If it wasn't for emotions, you wouldn't be such a beautiful human being.           

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