Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I haven’t written to you in a long time
The lines have dried into a dull ache
Which has stretched itself upto you,
But not quite.

My love is as simple as breathing
And you, as immense as life
Yes, you know that you’re missed,
But not quite.


Anonymous said...

how does one find such subtle words to express sadness?

Anonymous said...

Hey.. what's up. You still write awesome !

Anonymous said...

hmmm simple ? i dont understand the connection

Anonymous said...

hmmm simple ? i dont understand the connection

Anonymous said...

"My love is as simple as breathing"
then you are blessed girl...:)

Anonymous said...

"My love is as simple as breathing"
then you are blessed girl...:)

Anonymous said...

"My love is as simple as breathing"
then you are blessed girl...:)

Black Tulip said...

Khotta: they are all there interspersed with the emotion, no? :)

Vijit: hey, good to see u back!

Chetan sir: we all understand love as per our own experiences of it.. for me its effortless.. simple.. :)

Reaper: Im blessed threefolds! ;)

Anonymous said...

flick of the finger
is no fault of mind
and one who reminds
is most unkind...:)

Black Tulip said...

oho! LOL

ur awesome, really. can make up a poem on anything!
btw, sorry if you thought it rude. wasnt meant to be :)

Anonymous said...

no no lady, you gimme more credit than i deserve... THAT my princi sr D'souza used to say...only instead of "flick of fingers" it was " slip of tongue":) ...n no i was kidding too, i didn't think it was rude..:)